BlueCrow Investment Challenge 2024
1st Edition
Terminou a passada sexta feira dia 17 de Maio a 1ª Edição do BlueCrow Investment Challenge 2024. Foi com grande satisfação que demos inicio a este desafio que considermos ter sido no minimo gratificante.
Deixamos o nosso especial agradecimento à Católica Lisbon School e ao Clube de Investimentos que nos apoiaram incasavalmente neste jornada.
Reforçamos os nossos Parabéns a todas as equipas que participaram, em especial aos premiados.
The 1st edition of the BlueCrow Investment Challenge 2024 ended last Friday 17th May. It was with great satisfaction that we began this challenge, which we consider to have been rewarding, to say the least.
We would like to thank the Católica Lisbon School and the Investment Club for their unwavering support in this endeavor.
Congratulations to all the teams that took part, especially the winners.