BGW “a project for the future”

The Minister of Territorial Cohesion, Ana Abrunhosa, visited Bio Green Woods on 22 July last..

Bio Green Woods (BGW) and its promoter, Sérgio Silva, welcomed Their Excellencies, the Minister of Territorial Cohesion, Ana Abrunhosa and the Secretary of State for Adding Value to Inland Areas, Isabel Ferreira, in Oliveira de Frades.

In an official tweet from the Ministry of Territorial Cohesion, BGW was described as a “project of the future based on the circular economy and focusing closely on inland areas. Thank you for showing us what you do and for taking advantage of some of the best resources the inland areas have.”

BGW, with an investment of over EUR 4 million in funds managed by BlueCrow, is a national project that will distil wood and biomass to produce:

  • 100% ecological, high quality charcoal with a high content of fixed carbon
  • Gas that can be turned into electricity
  • Liquids – chemical products of sustainable origin

Learn more about Bio Green Woods here.